Raise Your ViBes What is "vibration" Your ‘vibration’ is a way of describing your overall state of being. Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Even things that look solid are made up of vibrational energy fields at the quantum level. This includes you. Even if you have no conceptual understanding of what vibrations are, you have certainly felt them. A vibration is a state of being, the atmosphere, or the energetic quality of a person, place, thought, or thing. Much of reading “vibes” is intuitive—you can tell a person’s energy when they walk into a room, for example. While some people draw you closer, others make you want to keep your distance. Everything in the universe is made up of molecules vibrating at different speeds. This includes trees, bodies, rocks, animals, thoughts, and emotions. Human vibrations are composed of everything from physical matter to the way you communicate the thoughts you think. In simple ter...