You Can Go Your Own Way

You can go your own way
This is the beginning

No matter how much we practice or have developed ourselves, soul relationship illuminates parts of ourselves we’ve lost touch with our unlived lives. We are just not sure if we want to take that kind of risk to bloom open, yet blooming is where we feel most at home.

Eventually we discover that the “other” is not only those fellow travelers we meet, but an “inner other” who also longs to be nurtured, felt, held and known. This “other” yearns for intimacy, raw energy exchange, to no longer hide, worry or be shut out and to simply rest in all that is. The lost sadness, the unmet or disallowed joy, the hidden rage, the repressed grief, the barely remembered peace, the dissociated despair, the forgotten beauty, the dismissed value of Love. These “ones” are alive and will continue their journey to find us. They will never give up and will continue to take the form as our lovers, family members, and friends, including those who irritate us the most and the patterns repeat.

Ground. The void is your new beginning of unprecedented opportunity.


We are choosing self love, self care and continuing to build our dreams over the fear. What do you choose? Take actions from your heart. Listen to your soul's voice, not the voice of your ego, fear and painbody narrations. One feels like a breath of air and feels like home (even if it scares the crap out of you..) and the other voice feels like an over anxious nervous system where you are all tied up. The truth will set you free. You’ll get more done, I promise.

I know many are feeling their awareness growing and their inner knowing and truth evolving. There's a message here to BE grateful NOW for what is aligned and be more present to the little moments, even when trauma shows up and triggers you, be grateful for this information too.

It’s okay to no longer charge your energy on the same topics or interests that once consumed you. Trust and keep going. You can say "NO" to whatever is not in alignment for you and step outside of the unlocked cage. Whenever you don’t say "NO", that is a "NO" in your soul is like signing a contract to your own suffering.

Yet you don’t need to suffer, you just need to live your truth. In fact, things in your outer world may be rearranging to match the new discoveries and shifts happening now inside you. Everything you once thought valuable or important or the direction you wanted to go in, may be changing and that is okay.

So please trust walking this inner path that is unfolding it’s mystery inside you and don’t waste time feeling guilt, shame, regrets about being wrong or making mistakes. Everything is meant to happen to bring you back home. It’s all perfect.

You are not wrong. Where you’re at is NOT wrong. Again, every single moment of your existence is needed to move into the new awareness that you are finding yourself in now. Follow it. It’s time to look at reality and get out of your own way because in the end, embodying your truth is how you end repetitive suffering and magnetize new and different opportunities to you. Living your own truth and wisdom - is what lights up your soul, sets you free and illuminates your path to a higher purpose in life that fulfills you deeper than anything else.

So face it.
Take the leap.
Make a new way. Be a new way.
Make that decision toward your own soul.

There comes a time when you choose a different way. You stand for something and you’re willing to find your own unique way and care more about your soul’s well being, freedom, depth and fulfillment more than maintaining a cage that was never locked to begin with.

Recognize you are already whole even in the breakdown or “mistake” and so it is. This isn’t just the end. This is the beginning. This is a reset. An opportunity. Zero point possibility. It’s ego death and facing fear with an anchored heart. Go within, tune in within. Take care of your body.

Don’t assume something is wrong. Trust that every single experience is needed to bring you into the awareness you are arriving now. Take the leap! Which also means not always "take action" but a new way of seeing. Perhaps taking the leap in a certain new way of BEING.

Knowing you are already received, honored, loved and seen. Starting from this place, already whole. Just like how the Universe knows you organically, when you know what you truly are, because you are the Universe, remember?

You must choose you before others can choose you. The only person or energy who can truly abandon you, is you and that can only happen when you deny, repress or reject your core nature, truth and values. So take care of yourself as you are metamorphosing from the inside out.

Make a new way forward that is creatively YOU and fully release or let go of what was standing in your way. No more repetitive loops when you know in your heart what you must anchor within. No more draining arguments or explanations with friends or family who don’t understand your growth or journey. No more insufferable past situations or certain thought patterns that don’t serve your present truth. No more soul sacrificing or abandoning. No more choosing imbalanced power dynamics from a place of fear, desperation and ego.

You are worthy, you are holy, even in the mess. The light of your awareness and present heart frequency is all you need to collapse the old fears and step into the present moment.

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