Six Ways To Raise Your Vibes

Six Ways To Raise Your Vibes

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1. Show gratitude

Create a gratitude journal and write 3-5 things for each day. The best time to do so is before sleep and read back to yourself the next morning.

2. Practice Forgiveness 

The quickest way to happiness for yourself is to forgive and release especially if you find yourself angry or sad about something. Ask yourself: "Would you rather be happy or right?"

3. Shift your Focus

If you are stressing or be unhappy for something quickly turn your focus to the positive aspect - what
you already have, what you like, what you are good in. Find one small positive thing to focus on each day.

4. Be Present 

Stay in the present moment and soak up all the goodness surrounding you. For example: when you eat focus on the taste, the texture, the smell. Going out for a walk and spend some time in nature, observe the trees or the waves, listen to the birds' singing and chirping. Connect, Be one with your surrounding environment.

5. Have Fun

Listen to your favorite playlist, dance, watch a funny movie... Your spirit will mediately lift and you will realize you need more of this in your life each day. Spread Joy!!

6. Do something Nice For the Other Person

Smile, compliment, leave a love note, give a flower, offer a coffee, or tell someone how much they are appreciated. You will instantly feel awesome and it will bring joy into your life and others. Little things make the difference.

You can begin to shift your reality today by acting from a place of love instead of fear, sadness, or anger. Taking these small steps - actions each day will bring you closer to manifesting all of your dreams that you deserve and desire.


Every day is a new day. Every day is a good day. This is a new morning. This is a good morning. This is a new beginning. This is new me in the world. This is me choosing my positive vibrations more deliberately. This is me being aware of the way I am feeling. This is me being in touch with my emotions and the value of my emotions. Today, everything in my world will respond differently to me than it has ever before because while I swept, all momentum subsided and now that I am awake I care to focus in ways that will allow my receptive mode. I have come to all kinds of conclusions about things that are important to me and I put them into my vibrational reality. I like that whatever I am ready now, I will feel an impulse about it. As I move through this day contrast will still exist and from this, I will find more things I desire and those contrasting experiences are not me being off my path but still being on my path. I embrace the contrast that comes today and I keep it in perspective. I expect this new day, I will feel good all day long. Today the way I feel is not dependent upon the conditions that have already manifested, is dependent upon the vibration that I am tuned to, the vibration I sense, the vibration I have access to, the vibrational frequency of who I am today. No matter where I am going, no matter what I am doing, no matter who I am doing it with, that will be my dominant intent to hold myself in a place of feeling good. Today is the day of greatest appreciation and greatest awareness. Every morning I reborn, every day is a second chance to fulfill my life. This is a really good Day!!!

When you feel great and do great, greatness follows you. Good thoughts, good words, good deeds.

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