Let it Go

Let it Go

Rules and expectations of others, rules and expectations of society, rules and expectations of you towards others, are holding you back big time.

Is there ever a time when something so crazy happens, that we throw up our hands and say screw it? Has the darkest part of our soul ever taken control over our critical thinking skills, and destroyed the good nature that we were brought up on? Have we been hiding our true thoughts and feelings for so long, then when society needs us to express the full breadth of our goodness, we clam up because we’re afraid of what other people might say? What will they think of me if I show up as my true self? Will, I be seen as weird? Will they accept me? Can I say that or will they think that I am crazy?

Does that inner dialogue sound familiar?

We have been confronted with the animalistic side of our emotions time and time again. Let’s try something different. Better put, let’s try something that we’ve been afraid of ever since loud voices started shouting down reasonable points of view. We all need to take humanity, accountability, love, peace, justice, understanding, and share it with people we disagree with. The conversations that spawn will prove that the only thing keeping us from uniting, is ourselves. Compromise isn’t a dirty word and becomes more beautiful when we realize our fear of it, is what has been holding us back.

Do you know these people that ditched the rules, and simply show up as they please?

They radiate so much freedom, and this freedom of free expression and truth is exactly what you are longing for. One way of getting there is to question your own behavior and the rules that you are trying to conform to.

Why is it not okay to ask a stranger how is he doing? Why is it “not appropriate” to talk about your salary? why? why? So many whys. Ever thought about it that most “unspoken rules” are here to tame us and keep us small? That they exist to limit our freedom so we are more easily molded in a society that needs people to be like sheep to function? 

Freethinkers and free spirits are not easily molded into the boxes of our modern society. Our systems work because most people don’t question the rules and blindly trust them because they must be “for our highest good”, right?

In actuality, we can start fresh at any moment of any day? There’s an old saying that goes “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me”. We need to stop fooling ourselves into thinking that we have no say in what happens to us. If so many other people are stronger, faster, smarter, richer, luckier, or better looking than us, how could we possibly succeed in our passions? We can un-fool ourselves by creating a new beginning anytime the mood strikes. We don’t have to wait until a man-made time change happens, we can surprise ourselves by evolving anytime we choose.”

So, I encourage you to question them. See where you feel limited. Is it beauty standards? The way you are supposed to talk? Things you can ask and shouldn’t? The way you like to dress?

The problem is not that people are uneducated, The problem is that they are educated enough to believe that they have been taught. The problem is that they are not educated enough to question what they have been taught. Set yourself free. You are inherently a free being. A free spirit. A creator of your own reality. Don’t allow yourself to be caged.

Garoudasana or Eagle pose is a standing balancing asana in a modern yoga.
Fly High.

And we need to be permitting ourselves, to be free from our own “little boxes”... Free from our own cage.  This is the start point.

So if you are feeling the pressure to step up - know its a sign to choose YOU! Choose self-love. It’s all about you! Choosing love and forgiveness is one of the highest of life lessons to be learned.

You are not doing wrong.. Trust you are on the right path, trust you are right where you need to be. Trust the process. Trust the journey!!! 

Once you decide you want a good life, the people you need will appear, the healing you need will happen, the doors you need open will unlock. But not until you decide.

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