
Showing posts from May, 2020

You Can Go Your Own Way

You can go your own way This is the beginning No matter how much we practice or have developed ourselves, soul relationship illuminates parts of ourselves we’ve lost touch with our unlived lives.  We are just not sure if we want to take that kind of risk to bloom open, yet blooming is where we feel most at home. Eventually we discover that the “other” is not only those fellow travelers we meet, but an “inner other” who also longs to be nurtured, felt, held and known.  This “other” yearns for intimacy, raw energy exchange, to no longer hide, worry or be shut out and to simply rest in all that is.  The lost sadness, the unmet or disallowed joy, the hidden rage, the repressed grief, t he barely remembered peace, the dissociated despair, the forgotten beauty,  the dismissed value of Love.  These “ones” are alive and will continue their journey to find us.  They will never give up and will continue to take the form as our lovers, family members,...

Daily Affirmation: " I am Love "

Affirm : " I am Love " I am the one who define Me! It is possible to change the world but to change the world, we have to change our own selves first. We have to change our mentality, mindset, outlook. Listen to outside perspectives, no necessary to adapt.. Retrain our brains! We all should start working on improving and updating our happiness. Choosing to make our own happiness and mental wellbeing as a top priority! It all starts  from Within!!!

Trust Yourself

Trust Yourself We have just to open our minds and hearts.Whenever you have to make an important decision it is good to weigh the pros and cons and at the end follow what your heart says. Don't doubting yourself and your abilities, listen to your heart and make the right decisions for yourself and those around you. Therefore grab the opportunities that will start crossing your path. Follow your heart desire and do what brings you joy and fulfillment. That is how you will know what your true calling is. Be confident that you will attract blessings into your life and blessings you will receive. “If you cannot trust yourself, you cannot even trust your mistrust of yourself - so that without this underlying trust in the whole system of nature you are simply paralyzed” - Alan Watts - Your life is in your hands. No matter where you are now , no matter what has happened in your life, you can begin to consciously choose your thoughts and you can change your lif...

Asana - Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana

Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana  Upward Facing Dog Pose Upward-facing dog pose is a back-bending yoga posture that strengthens the arms, shoulders and wrists, as well as increases flexibility in the back and neck. In this asana, the body lies belly down with the arms pressing into the ground and lifting the body with an arch in the back. This is an important pose in yoga for its ability to align the spine and stimulate the nervous system. Upward-facing dog pose is also referred to by its Sanskrit name,  urdhva  mukha svanasana . Upward-facing dog pose is often part of a  vinyasa . It is one of the most recognized yoga poses and is typically part of the sun salutation series in many types of yoga. It is similar to cobra pose, except that in the latter pose, the lower body remains pressed into the ground, while in the former, only the tops of the feet touch the floor. Benefits of  U pward Facing Dog: Consistent and determined practice of upward ...

Raise Your ViBes

Raise Your ViBes What is "vibration" Your ‘vibration’ is a way of describing your overall state of being. Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Even things that look solid are made up of vibrational energy fields at the quantum level. This includes you. Even if you have no conceptual understanding of what vibrations are, you have certainly felt them. A vibration is a state of being, the atmosphere, or the energetic quality of a person, place, thought, or thing. Much of reading “vibes” is intuitive—you can tell a person’s energy when they walk into a room, for example. While some people draw you closer, others make you want to keep your distance. Everything in the universe is made up of molecules vibrating at different speeds. This includes trees, bodies, rocks, animals, thoughts, and emotions. Human vibrations are composed of everything from physical matter to the way you communicate the thoughts you think. In simple ter...

Prana "The Vital Energy"

Breath is Life Pranayama “Prana, one’s vital energy, determines the function of one’s entire system.”  -Sadhguru- Our breath is synonymous with our life. Breathing is so natural and automatic that most people never even notice that they are breathing unless it is excited or restricted in some way. Life enters us with our first inhalation and leaves with our final exhalation. It is truly one with our life force. Prana has many levels of meaning, from the physical breath to the energy of consciousness itself. Prana is not only the basic life-force, it is the original creative power. It is the master form of all energy working at every level of our being. Indeed the entire universe is a manifestation of prana. Even kundalini shakti, the serpent power or inner energy which transforms our consciousness, develops from awakened prana. “Prana” means “the vital energy”, “yama” means to gain control over that. So, it is a subtle process through which one can gain cont...